Nong Han Luang Priest's Camp Site (สำนักสงฆ์หนองหารหลวง) is a simple monks' residence on the edge on Nong Han Lake. It's located about 2 kilometers north of the beautiful temple complex Wat Nong Sim, which was built on a site where once stood an ancient Khmer temple. The name Nong Han Luang is sometimes used to refer to Nong Han Lake. It is also the name of the old Khmer city of Sakon Nakhon, which was built around the southwestern edge of the lake.
Nong Han Luang Priest's Camp Site has one primary statue staging area, which features 4 representations of the Buddha: On the roof of a white shed there is a large white Buddha on a lotus flower, displaying the Bhumisparsa (Touching the Earth) Mudra; in front of him, is a smaller statue of the Buddha, in the same pose. In front of the white shed is a tall, white Buddha who is standing and displaying the Vitarka (Teaching) Mudra. Lastly, at the feet of the standing Buddha is a small white statue of the Buddha in the meditation pose.
All of the Buddha statues are facing toward Nong Han lake, which is the customary position for lakeside temples in Sakon Nakhon. Naga serpents are said to reside on Nong Han, and ordinarily a lakeside temple will also have Naga statues facing the lake, but we did not see any during our visit.
When visiting out the way "samnak songs" like Nong Han Luang Priest's Camp Site, you may find yourself in need of a toilet. These are often not labeled as "hawng nam". Just look for the rough cement building with sheet metal doors (see photo gallery).