Thailand has a reputation for dangerous roads. But do they deserve this reputation? Well, it is true that Thailand ranks high among nations for traffic road deaths. And every year during Songkran, grim statistics of daily death tolls are published nationally and internationally. However, these media headlines and Thailand’s road death ranking are misleading, causing […]
The most iconic vehicle of Isan (Northeastern Thailand) is the “samlor,” a colorful three-wheeled motorcycle with a cab in the back. Some people refer to samlors as tuk tuks, the three-wheeled taxis popular in Bangkok. But samlor is the name most commonly used by locals, with tuk tuk being reserved for the two-stroke engine Thai […]
Is the GPX Legend 250 Twin III a Good Motorcycle? Yes, it is! It’s a gorgeous, vintage-style, Thai motorcycle, which (if you are patient with it) should bring years of fun riding. It’s our vehicle of choice when traveling the roads of Sakon Nakhon in search of undiscovered Thai temples, hidden cafes and coffee houses, […]
Recently we made a trip through the forested countryside to find the Monastery of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (อารามแม่พระแห่งสายประคำศักดิ์สิทธิ์) in Sakon Nakhon. Our route took us through a rather solitary, bit spooky, dirt road through the woods. We eventually arrive at where the lovely monastery is supposed to be (we saw photos on […]
Driving a motorbike in Thailand might seem like a dangerous activity to some. But actually it is generally safe to do if you follow some precautions. It also is one of the most enjoyable activities that you can do in rural Thai provinces, such as Sakon Nakhon, where there are beautiful rural roads, with little […]
MySakonNakhon was happy to entertain Grace McDonald of Bikehedonia this weekend. Grace is currently on a solo motorcycle journey, which has taken her from her native Australia to East Timor, then on to Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Due to COVID and a shutdown of the land borders, she has been stuck in […]