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Thai/English Pronunciation Guide

The following is the pronunciation guide for the free Learn Thai material at While we encourage serious students of the Thai language to learn how to read Thai, this Learn Thai online pronunciation guide will help those who don’t have the time to learn written Thai and need to get talking right away.

Learn Thai Consonants

bp = like the hard “p” in “nap”

ph = like the soft “p” in “pin”

dt = like the soft “d” in “ladder”

th = like the soft “t” in “time”

kh = like the soft “k” in “king”

g = like the g in “goat” but softer

j = like the “j” in “joke” but a little harder

ng = like the “ng” in “song”

The rest of the consonants (b, ch, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, s, t, w) have the same pronunciation as their equivalents in English, except that “r” is sometimes pronounced as an “l” sound.

Learn Thai Main Vowels

a = like the “a” in “what”

ah = like the “a” in “father”

ay = either like the “ay” in “pay” or the “ai” in “said”.

ae = like the “a” in “bat”

ai = like the “ie” in “pie”

aw = like the “aw” in “saw”

ee = like the “ee” in “see”

e = like the “e” in “bed”

i = like the “i” in “pin”

oo = like the “oo” in “soon”

o = like the “o” in “rope”

eu = like the “ou” in “should” said when smiling

u = like the “oo” in foot.

uh = like the “er” in “butter” but without saying the “r”

Learn Thai Vowel Combinations

ao = like the “ow” in “now”

aeo = like “ao” but with “ae” sound held out

oi = like the “oy” in “toy”

ia = like the “ia” in “Maria”

iu = like the “ew” in “eww” (yuck)

ui = like the “ouie” in “Louie”

io = like the “io” in “neo”

iao = “ee” + “ow”

eo = like the “ayo” in “mayo”

ua = like the “ua” in “Kahlua”

uay = “oo” + “ay”

eua = “eu” + “uh”

euy = “eu” + “ee”

euay = “eu” + “ay”

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