In our search for the best Thai coffee, we move on from Cafe Amazon to the drip coffees produced by Bluekoff, who has been producing fine coffee in Thailand since 2000. Bluekoff spent years experimenting with the coffee beans produced by the plantations in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai before choosing the coffee beans grown in the village of Ban Doi Chang (Chiang Rai) as the very best.
To ensure quality control, Bluekoff set up a coffee manufacturing and roasting facility in Ban Doi Chang. The company works closely with the Lisu and Akha tribe farmers who produce the coffee in this Thailand mountain region, which is 1200-1500 meters above sea level. All coffee beans are carefully hand-selected and then aged in an incubator until being de-shelled and roasted.
For our taste taste review of Bluekoff’s medium roast coffee, we used their single-use drip pouches which are sold in a box of 5 for 105 baht. BlueKoff’s medium roast has a lightly sweet smell and a hint of sourness, which together give the coffee a subtle fruitiness. It is a full bodied coffee with a distinct sense of toasted grain, along with a hint of chocolate nuttiness, especially if you chose to add some sugar and cream to it. We drank our first cup black, but preferred the 2nd cup where added a just a bit of sugar and cream, as it seemed to bring out better the flavor profile of this Doi Chang coffee.
The BlueKoff energy boost was one we felt throughout our body. In other words, the coffee didn’t just clear out the morning cobwebs from our mind. It is a good, inexpensive Thai coffee. However, we would place Cafe Amazon’s Pangkhon and Doi Inthanon coffee higher in our rankings (but they are slightly more expensive at 135 baht for a box of five).