American expats across Thailand celebrated when Pizza Company introduced their NY Style Pizza. Yes, if you are a tourist in Sakon Nakhon, you are probably going to spend all of your eating time sampling the delicious Thai and Isaan food. But in case you have been in Thailand a long time, and are dreaming of that pizza served up in NY, PA, NJ, and FL, the Pizza Company's NY Style may not be identical but it is close enough to satisfy your craving.
There are 2 Pizza Company locations in Sakon Nakhon, one in the Robinson's mall, and the other downtown, diagonal from the Big C shopping center. The location we are providing contact info for is the one downtown, only walking distance from the M.J. Majestic Hotel. In addition to pizza (NY Style, thin crust, and pan pizza), the Pizza Company serves pastas, buffalo wings, ribs, fried calamari, and more.