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Thai Poetry eBook Free for 5 Days

As many readers of “Thailand Off the Beaten Track” are aware, my book “Poems from Sakon Nakhon” (Thai Poetry in English) has recently been published by Ysaan Books, a new small press in Sakon Nakhon. As a special gift to regular readers and subscribers of this blog, I am making the Kindle (eBook) version of this book freely available for the next 5 days (until Jan. 26th).

You can take advantage of this temporary free eBook offer by clicking the following link: Thai Poetry on Amazon.

Even if you are not a big fan of poetry, I believe you will enjoy reading this book, as I wrote it in an uncomplicated, straight-forward manner (rather than in a dense literary style), using only subtle poetic devices like occasional alliteration, rhyme, repetition, assonance, etc.

You’ll find many topics that I have covered in this blog in “Poems from Sakon Nakhon,” such as being greng jai, saving face, and the Thai smile, as well as notable Isaan monks like Ajarn Man, Ajarn Fan Acharo, Ajarn Wan Uttamo (the bulletproof monk), and Luang Pu Sorn Paphassaro (Thailand’s only long-haired monk).

In addition, you’ll get insights into life in rural Sakon Nakhon and Northeastern Thailand, along with a window into the mindset of Isaan villagers. There are 91 poems in this collection of Thai poetry, written in both English and Thai. The Thai versions of the poems do not follow any of the traditional rules of Thai poetry. They are written in free verse, just as the English poems are, but in a way that makes them pleasing to the ear when spoken out loud.

Every poem written in Thai is accompanied with the English transliteration, so even if you can’t read Thai, you can still get a feel for the spoken Thai, and memorize one or two poems if you wish impress your Thai friends with your Thai language skills. These Thai versions of the poems will be especially helpful to intermediate Thai language learners who want to get further insight into the Thai language.

In addition to an eBook version, “Poems from Sakon Nakhon” is also available in paperback and hardcover on Amazon. These print versions make it easier to use the book a Thai language resource, as it’s more convenient to look back and forth between the English and Thai on opposing pages.

For people who live in Thailand, you can purchase the paperback locally, or a special edition with handwoven indigo cloth slip cover, by visiting Ysaan Book’s online store at Shopee. To purchase one of these versions, click the following link: Thai Poetry on Shopee.

Once again, to get your free Kindle (eBook) version of my book of Thai poems go to:

Thai Poetry on Amazon.

And if you should enjoy “Poems from Sakon Nakhon,” I would greatly appreciate if you gave the book a positive review. Thank you.

Ajarn David
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Poems from Sakon Nakhon