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Category: Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University

Dec 17
Learn Chinese in Thailand – University Programs

In addition to two English programs, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University (SNRU) has a flourishing Chinese Language Program (Bachelors of Arts), which is adding a Master’s degree program in 2025. With its vibrant Chinatown area, whose residents have recently built a magnificent Chinese Buddhist temple at the Metta Dharma Foundation Courtyard, Sakon Nakhon is becoming one […]

Jun 18
Manita Farmer (Miss Thailand) Boosts English in Sakon Nakhon

On July 18th, Sakon Nakhon Rakabhat University will welcome Thai cultural ambassador Manita “Nita” Duangkham Farmer (มานิต้า ดวงคำ ฟาร์มเมอร์), winner of the 2022 Miss Thailand competition. Nita was born of a Thai mother and American father, becoming the first “look kreung” (ลูกครึ่ง) or half Thai/half foreigner to win the pageant’s crown. Nita Manita (นิต้า มานิตา), […]

Dec 15
A New Thailand Curriculum Framework (Competency-Based)

For decades education reform has been on the agenda in Thailand, with experts encouraging a transition from the current content-based curriculum to a competency-based curriculum (CBC). This new curriculum framework would emphasize the acquisition of skills and knowledge that can be applied to daily life, instead of the rote content learning that typifies the education […]

Nov 16
The 7th Rajabhat University National Research Conference

Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University had the honor and pleasure of hosting The 7th Rajabhat University National and International Research and Academic Conference (RUNIRAC VII). The scholarly conference was held on the campus from November 14th – 16th (2023). Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University often has the honor of hosting large events. Every year it hosts the […]

Feb 02
Vithidham School Holds After School Music Festival

The Vithidham School in Sakon Nakhon held a music festival on the evening of February 2nd. Vithidham is known as a “Way of the Dharma” school, which provides students with both moral training and practical skills via field trips throughout Sakon Nakhon Province. The Vithidham School aims to create well-rounded students, and that includes music […]

Dec 31
Thailand University English Programs

Student searches of Thailand University English Programs often focus attention on the large well-known universities of Bangkok, such as Chulalongkorn, Thammasat, Mahidol, and Silpakorn University. However, these Thai universities are extremely competitive, attracting excellent English students from across the country, most of whom have studied in English Language Programs at the Mattayom 4-6 (High School) […]

Nov 04
Learn English for ASEAN

Geng! Learn English for ASEAN is a fun workbook for Sakon Nakhon business people, government workers, and students who would like to learn basic English. It was written by Ajarn David of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, and was given to us to distribute for free online. You can view the book online below or download […]

Sep 10
Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Graduation Ceremony

Graduating students from all 13 Northeast Thailand Rajabhat Universities will soon be arriving in Sakon Nakhon to receive their diploma from HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha. The ceremony will take place at the Maha Vajiralongkorn Auditorium of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. The reason the graduation ceremony is held at SNRU is because the Maha Vajiralongkorn Auditorium is […]

Aug 26
SNRU Student Art Exhibition

In addition to organizing student art exhibitions at the Thongthawapee Art Gallery, the Arts Department at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University (SNRU) also showcases student paintings on the walls of university buildings, especially when the art gallery is conducting exhibitions of the best artists in Thailand. Art student paintings are currently on display on the walls […]

Aug 18
SNRU Map (English) – Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University

If you are looking for a map in English of Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University (SNRU), you are in the right place! We have translated the Thai SNRU map into English to help you navigate the 245 acre campus, with 20 university buildings. อาคาร 1 สถาบันภาษา ศิลปะและวัฒนธรรม – Building 1 Institute of Language, Arts and Culture […]

Aug 11
The Best Artists in Thailand

Some of the best artists in Thailand are now (August, 2022) showing their work at the Thongthawapee Art Gallery at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University. It’s all part of the 8th Thai Art Identity Exhibition (8th MOU), where Arts faculty members of 31 Rajabhat universities across Thailand contribute their art for exhibition. Rajabhat universities are similar […]

Jul 22
Celebrating Tanabata in Sakon Nakhon

For a couple weeks in July, the Foreign Language Department at Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University (SNRU) celebrated the Japanese star festival known as Tanabata. Organized by Japanese language lecturer Ajarn Sato, who was assisted by his Japanese language students, a large bamboo tree was set up in Building 19, upon which university students, professors, and […]

Mar 14
Hinamatsuri | Sakon Nakhon, Thailand

Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University recently celebrated Hinamatsuri, a Japanese religious festival also known as “Girl’s Day” because it celebrates female children, or “Doll’s Day” because delicately painted and attired dolls are showcased on a red carpeted platform. The ornamental dolls represent a Lord, Princess, and attendants who wear the court dress of the Heian period, […]